Surgery and recovery
Now that you have made it to the side of your loved one and seen them through to survival, a longer and much more difficult process stands before you: The recovery process. In order to survive this process mentally and spiritually intact, you need to keep a few important things in-mind about you and your loved one and dealing with them.
Reach out to family and friends to ease distress

Sometimes having family and friend around during those tense moments of waiting between surgeries and procedures on your loved one can be good for the survivor’s family. Sharing loving stories and encouraging words can boost the morale of the family, making it easier to endure the arduous and suspenseful hours. Be sure to only invite family and friends that the survivor is used to seeing regularly, prior to their injury. A visit from a distant friend or family member who hasn’t been a part of the survivor’s life regularly, can cause confusion for the survivor should he or she wake up during visiting hours.
​The survivor’s mind may not be present

Upon awakening from an induced coma or a bout of unconsciousness your family member may be disoriented, not remembering anything that happened to them. This period could last for weeks or months, depending on the person and the severity of the injury. The survivor may have trouble adjusting and may believe that he or she is dreaming and may not feel able to come out of it. His or her words or actions during this time should be closely monitored but the content of which can be hurtful, confusing or disappointing, weighing on already-frayed nerves, and should not be taken to heart. It is only a matter of time before the effects of such factors as the coma-inducing drugs and the shock of the initial injury wear off before the patient’s mind returns to reality and is more able to speak and relate with family and friends in a more normalized fashion.
Surgery & Recovery