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In the event of an unfortunate emergency, before you run off to the nearest hospital to tend to your  loved one, and going with full understanding and worries of just how complicated  this will be, there are a few things you should consider to help  your loved ones, the doctors and yourself  come through this situation , mentally, emotionally, physically intact.

Make proper arrangements
Hearing about or witnessing a loved one being involved in an incident that resulted in a Traumatic injury to them can be devastating. The first thing you should probably remember is: don’t panic. Instead, you should make arrangements as quickly as possible: Gather all known essential medical information as soon as possible.  (In today's world, this information should be constantly at hand.)Any known medical conditions could vastly help doctors and surgeons during the initial phase of the treatment. Make plans for an extended hospital stay. Gather clothing and the survivor’s treasured belongings which will act as an anchor for the patient when coming back to consciousness. Contact any other family members or friends who may be otherwise intricately involved in the patient’s life. The good will and positivity they will likely bring with them will be helpful to both the survivor and to you as you endure this emergency.

Get all the facts
As the next of kin to the patient, it is your responsibility to get the facts about the incident that led to this event as best you can. In doing so, you take a much-needed quick step away from the chaos to evaluate  your legal options and any payment or medical insurance matters that need to be attended to. Often a personal injury attorney (who should be contacted immediately) would have insight into navigating medical costs for any and all the survivor's needs. Do not feel any guilt for stepping away to deal with these matters. You are helping in the most essential parts of this process: bringing security and a sense of stability in an otherwise tumultuous situation.

Know your options; know what is necessary
Your loved one is stabilized for the moment and during time of unconsciousness, a doctor or nurse suggests medication or procedure that you feel may be unnecessary or dangerous. Exercise your right to speak up for the Survivor and refuse the treatment until a time comes when you can be otherwise convinced. Be knowledgeable and firm in your position and stand up for the rights and best interests of your loved one. You have to be the voice of the person lying in that recovery room.


Keep precise notes and records about everything










From the moment an event like this happens, it is in your best interest and the interest of the your loved one that you, as the family, keep organized, detailed records of everything. Clearly write down the times and types of procedures that are being performed. It is good for the sake of memory to write it all down by hand and later transfer the information to computer. Keep track of the names of every nurse, doctor, intern, machine and drug that comes in contact with the survivor. This will be useful in legal matters down the road and when your loved one is seen by other doctors during their recovery outside of that facility.


​Get to know the hospital staff and people involved
It is good for the sake of record keeping and also for the sake of getting the best individualized treatment for the survivor possible to get to know the medical staff on a semi-personal level. Get information like office phone numbers and email addresses and keep record of their names. That way, you can easily find a way to reach them for any questions or problems you might have.

The Emergency Phase

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